Winners of 2014 Dongrun-Yau Science Award (Physics)

Gold Award
Tianjin Experimental High School

Thesis Title: A study of cooling process and temperature

 distribution on a deflating balloon

Members: Hanwei Wang, Lingfei Mei
Teacher: Zhiyong Ju

Silver Award
Shenzhen Middle School
Thesis Title: The dynamics of a ball in the rotating saddle
Members: Yan Liang, Ruihao Liu
Teacher: Daoguang Tu

Brozen Award
Beijing No. 5 High School

Thesis Title: Research and analysis on optoacoustic


Members: Yuji Chai,Yi Wei

Teacher: Liuwan Zhang

Nanjing Foreign Language School

Thesis Title: Hysteresis, mechanism for different modes of looping and

 a different way of simulation in the case of a twisted rope

Members: Liu Cao, Yixiu Zhao, Jiawen Zhu
Teacher: Xiaoqin Yao

Guangzhou Zhixin High School

Thesis Title: Research in modeling system design of the

variable-focus 3D scanner

Members: Sunhong Lian
Teacher: Zhicheng Liang

Honorable Mentions
Beijing National Day School
Thesis Title: Analysis and simulation of four frequent halos
Members: Jun Wang, Jingjin Hu, Kun Hu
Teacher: Jingwu Deng
Nanjing Foreign Language School
Thesis Title: A study of collisions between dominos
Members: Liang Zhao, Zexia Zhang
Teacher: Zhimin Pan

No.2 High School of East China Normal University

Thesis Title: The pattern of ferrofluid in constant and

 alternating magnetic field

Members: Taige Wang, Kaiyuan Gu, Anzhou Wang
Teacher: Zhentang Wang
The High School affiliated to Shanghai JiaoTong University

Thesis Title: A new way to identify and absorb target frequency

sound waves

Members: Yitong Chen
Teacher: Qiaorong Zhu

Palo Alto Senior High School, USA

Thesis Title:Investigation of Wavy Nature of Quantum

 Particles  through Double-Slit and Double-Barrier Experiments

Members: Winston Wang, Kangrong Zhang, Melinda Wang
Teacher: Pisin Chen

Finalist Awards
The High School attached to Tsinghua University

Thesis Title: Exploration of cervical problems arising from

 inappropriate posture and improvement

Members: Nianlin Li
Teacher: Leisheng Luo
The High School attached to Tsinghua University
Thesis Title: Research on the motion of the car powered by a balloon
Members: Zeyu Zhang, Zeping Huang
Teacher: Leisheng Luo

Dongying Shengli No. 1 Middle School, Shangdong Province

Thesis Title: The research of water vortex in cylindrical


Members: Tianyang Zhang, Qing Hu, Wenhao Sui
Teacher: Yanhua Bai
Fuzhou No. 3 High School of Fujian
Thesis Title: Permanent magnetic regenerative braking device
Members: Xiangzhou Kong
Teacher: Lizhen Wei

Tianjin No. 1 High School

Thesis Title: Study of eddy current brake based on motion of

 permanent magnet in the nonmagnetic metal tube

Members: Yuxuan Xia, Songming Yan, Haining Tan
Teacher: Wei Song